How to do Brainstorming Technique

Esma Harmancı
2 min readApr 27, 2021


What is Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a technical method by which new ideas and potential solutions are produced for a designated problem/topic in certain rules and a free thinking environment.

Today, I think this issue is being underestimated or considered a trivial matter. However, brainstorming is one of the most important issues in the problem solving phase, which should not be ignored. Many factors can be overlooked when describing a problem or problem, but we can prevent it by brainstorming it.

There are rules for brainstorming in a healthy way. These:

1-Never judge and destroy ideas

During brainstorming, whatever comes to the mind of individuals should be indicated. These ideas should never be judged or eliminated.

2-Release your ideas

Do not say “No”, “Foolish”, “Impossible”

3-Don’t judge

Don’t judge your own opinion or anyone else’s opinion

4-The more ideas the better

The priority is not the nature of the idea, but its quantity. So instead of generating quality ideas, try to come up with as many ideas as possible.

5-Never stray too far from the subject.

  • Don’t get too attached to your ideas.
  • Contribute to the ideas of other individuals.
  • And come up with as many ideas as you can.

When you apply the brainstorming technique by following all these rules, it will be easier to find creative and potential ideas/solutions.

